Power-Ballet Ballet for Fitness
Fit for Ballet
Du möchtest nach längerer Pause wieder tanzen,
möchtest aber erst Kraft und Kondition dafür aufbauen?
Du möchtest durchs Tanzen wieder fit werden?
Für Tänzer und Fitness-Fans und alle, die es noch werden wollen
Für Erwachsene und Jugendliche, die relativ spät mit dem Ballett/Jazz/Modern angefangen haben, stellt dieser Kurs eine sinvolle und sehr hilfreiche Ergänzung zum Tanztraining dar. Jeder Anfänger und diejenige, die nach langer Pause wieder einsteigt, kennt die Frustration: Man möchte die Ballett-Exercise ausführen, doch die Kraft in den Muskeln ist noch nicht oder nicht mehr vorhanden und/oder die Technik/Körperhaltung ist nur unzureichend entwickelt. Power-Ballett Übungen sprechen ganz bestimmte Muskelgruppen an, die speziell zum Ausführen der Grundbewegungen im Ballett/Jazz/Modern benötigt werden. Diese fügen wir dann zusammen zu kleinen Bewegungsstudien
08. April 2012, 09:12
Happy Easter/Frohe Ostern
Wishing you a Happy and Blessed Easter!
Enjoy the long weekend. And for those fortunate ones taking a long Easter vacation, keep fit, eat well, refresh your body and spirit.
Frohe Ostern!
Geniesse das lange Wochenende. Und wenn Sie länger in den Ferien frei haben, bleiben Sie fit mit Bewegung und gesundem Essen und Ruhe - Balsam für Körper und Seele.
30. Dezember 2011, 19:10
Spring Semester 2012
The Program of the VHS Aschaffenburg for the Spring Semester 2012 is online.
Online Enrollment for the regular courses starts on January 14 2012.
For this semester, we have decided to include an Introduction to Power Ballet. Online enrollment for this workshop is now open.
Unfortunately, there has been a misunderstanding concerning the write-up. Although the exercises I have developed for my Power-Ballett courses are nowhere to be found within the Exercise-repertoire of a classical ballet class, we will be working on our bodies with the goal of ultimately performing movement studies in close approximation of the style and technique of classical and modern ballet.
For those who are still unsure, if Power Ballett is the right course for you, the Introduction could help you make an informed decision. I will do my best to make the Workshop interesting, diverse and most of all, informative.
The links to the VHS courses are available at the bottom of the main text of this page.
30. Dezember 2011, 17:17
Technique workout for dancers
I conceptualized power-ballett as a tool for adults and older teens. It was not meant to compete with ballet lessons under a qualified teacher, nor was it meant to replace it. My intention ist to focus the attention of the students on the very fine details of the basic movements in classical and modern ballet. The exercise program uses purposeful repetition to instill the feeling for the technique right down deep into the muscles and to create intellectual clarity and sensitivity for details. More often there are more ways than one to execute a movement correctly. In those cases, I choose the version, which would be more effective in developing muscle strength. This is usually also the more challenging variation from the athletic point of view. And when you’ve learned to do the more challenging version first in the right way, then doing them with the left is a piece of cake ;-)
I also wanted to take some of the ballet teacher’s frustration away. I am convinced that the exercises help to accelerate the students’ progress in the regular dance class in a way that she herself would consciously feel within her body and in such a way that an observer would also take notice of it. Consciously experiencing success from day to day strengthens motivation and brings the joy and fun of dance in the class for both the teacher and the student.
30. Dezember 2011, 17:13
Searching for a Name
In Oktober 2010, I was looking for a name for the course I was about offer in Spring 2011 at the Volkshochschule Aschaffenburg. I had just tried to launch the course for the current semester, unfortunately without success. This time around I wanted a name that would exude the energy of the workouts and a strong write-up that would attract the sport loving athletic dancers as well as the dance enthusiasts among the fitness fans. So there I was together with my advisor and head of the Health Program, playing around with words and phrase. I had just handed her the write-up, which I had revised, giving it a bit of a squirky turn – “The jumps and sautés will literally take our breath
away..”, “Fitness, fun and sore muscles guaranteed.” In the minds of prospective participants, I wanted to conjure up images of dancers, still out of breath, gleamy-eyed and faces exuberant, enjoying the oxygen-high. The workout will lead the participants to the limits of their physical stamina and dancing abilities. By challenging them to perform the exercises specifically conceived for this purpose, they will be encouraged to push these limits further to gain strength, thereby opening up new and exciting terrain for exploring dance and movement. It won’t be a piece of cake. We’ll be revving up those juices all the way, each according to her own ability and level of fitness. Power up those muscles. Those scintillating beats and driving rhythms will get us through those challenging ballet inspired workouts onto a new level of fitness. Power. Ballet. Workout. Power-Ballet(t) Workout.
And that’s how Power-Ballett arrived under the categoy: Health/Movement/Gymnastic – Gymnastics? – with a special advisory “Courses to power yourself out”, together three other Courses from a colleague, who also drove participants to sweat it out, this time to the salsa beat. “Workout im Takt” – that’s “Workout to the beat”, my first attempt at putting a class together, had to be cancelled due to insufficient number of enrollees. This time around, we had to open another class to accomodate all enrollees.
And what a bunch of participants it turned out to be! At first, I was anxious about overwhelming them. I thought, take it easy. But the ladies in both classes just grit their teeth and took on every exercise I presented to them. After six weeks I had to pimp up the exercises to the next level. And towards the end of the 12 weeks, I had to revise the basic movement studies in order to keep up with their progress. Some of the participants also attended my 3-hour workshop during the Pentecost break together with students of the Tanzwerkstatt, the studio where I myself take ballet class. Another four days of summer classes are planned for August/September.
Meanwhile at the VHS, 3 courses are planned for the coming Autumn Semester. I hope the attendance will be as good and I am looking forward to welcoming new participants who will let themselves be moved by the driving rhythms and let their heartbeats accelerate with the thundering drums.
an der Barre, im Centre und in die Diagonalen ...
auf zwei Beine und auf Einen,
auf drei Glieder gestützt, auf allen Vieren,
stehend, sitzend, kniend, liegend,
Wiegen, Schreiten, Gleiten, und Springen,
kleine Hüpfer und große Sätze
am Platz und durch den Raum,
in die Vertikale, Laterale und Diagonale,
nach Vorne, Hinten, zur Seite,
in die Gerade, in die Kurve und im Kreis …
gestreckt, gebeugt, Contract und Release,
sich strecken und falten,
Balance und Off-Balance,
sich fallenlassen und sich wieder auffangen
zu Rhythmen, die uns treiben
zu Klängen, die uns aufhorchen lassen,
zu Musik, die uns bewegt!
Auf der nächsten Seite findest du die aktuelle Trainingszeiten, Workshop-Angebote und Trainings-Specials. Dort ist auch das Anmelde-/Kontaktformular.
Power-Ballett Blog
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